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Allan Empty Allan

Post by NeroFirst Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:58 am

Name (& pronunciation): Allan (no known last name)
Date of Birth (& age): 17, April 21st
Place of Birth: New York, New York, U.S.A.
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Lycan
Social Class/Community Status: Homeless
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: has a teddy bear named from when he was a child, the bear has many holes and has even lost limbs but Allan has always mended it with mis-colored thread

Physical Description
Height: 6'0" (9'0" in lycan form)
Weight: 150 lbs (350 lbs in lycan form)
Hair: Silver hair/fur
Eyes: Silver
Limb Dexterity: Excellent
Detailed Physical Description: he has a series of large tattoos symbolizing the number of enemies he has killed.
Allan Werewolf_by_Buchemi
Allan Robot-2
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Human state he wears baggy pants and a black T, lycan form he wears the baggy pants

Personality/Attitude: Secluded/Anti-Social
Talents: excellent cook, good at free-running, excellent at sewing
Favourites/Likes: loves anything sweet
Most Hated/Dislikes: hates people who tresspass on his territory
Goals/Ambitions: wants to find a friend despite his anti-social attitude
Strengths: has no problems hurting humans, vampires, and occasionally other lycans if they tresspass
Weaknesses: extremely caring and won't harm animals or plants
Fears: dying alone
Hobbies/Interests: cooking, walking, running, hide and seek, collecting random objects
Regular Routine: checks his territory, cooks then eats, goes to do something for the day, re-checks his territory, cooks then eats, sleeps
Philosophy of Life: it's impossible to fil at life unless you don't accomplish anything or don't have a friend
Attitude Toward Death: It's nothing to be afraid of unless you're alone
Religion/Beliefs: Wiccan
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: refuses to leave his lycan form
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: His family was killed in a tragic fire
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: bisexual
Education/Special Training: none at all
Place/Type of Residence: lives under a bridge with all the furniture he needs to be comfortable
Occupation: none
Place of Work: none
Work-related Skills: none
Past Occupations: none
Memberships: member of scavenger tribe, a group of homeless lycans who banded together to help each other

Skills: Change at will, outdoors man, Unarmed

Posts : 1117
Join date : 2009-11-15
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere


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